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Conference Handbook



Founded March 12, 2014


The Principals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference form this organization to serve and unite the local schools and communities through academic and athletic competition.  The Conference places athletics in its proper perspective as a complement to the academic program.  The member schools are committed to maximizing instructional time, promoting good sportsmanship and promoting equal and fair competition for all member schools.


Section 1:
 This organization shall be known as the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference.

Section 2:
 The Conference is established to address the common interests of our respective students through competition in athletics and other co-curricular activities.


Section 1:
 The following PIAA high schools shall constitute the membership of this Conference: Allentown Central Catholic, Bethlehem Catholic, East Stroudsburg North, East Stroudsburg South, Easton, Emmaus, Freedom, Liberty, Louis E. Dieruff, Nazareth, Northampton, Parkland, Pleasant Valley, Pocono Mt. East, Pocono Mt. West, Stroudsburg, Whitehall, and William Allen; or any other PIAA high school hereinafter approved.  Each member PIAA high school, regardless of the number of PIAA high schools in a school district, will be entitled to one (1) vote in all Conference matters. If a school petitions to leave the conference in any sport, a 100.0% aye vote is necessary. Further, the school is limited to a pre-determined time length as set by all voting members. Full membership requires schools to participate in at least 75.0% of league sponsored varsity sports. If a school falls below 75.0% then they would be placed on probation.

Section 2:
 Application for membership in this Conference must be made in writing to the secretary and/or president. A Conference expansion membership will be automatically granted to a newly created “sister” PIAA high school in any member school’s district for its first full school year of enrollment/operation. All current members or any other PIAA high school seeking membership must, at minimum, carry at least an initial rating ranked in one (1) of the top three (3) PIAA classifications. All member PIAA high school feeder Junior Highs and Middle Schools are automatically included in Conference scheduling and concerns without a vote. Final acceptance of a non-“sister” PIAA high school’s membership is subject to a 75.0% aye vote of the full membership of this Conference.

Section 3: Conference dues and entrance fees for the subsequent school year for all member PIAA high schools shall be set on or before February 1st at a scheduled meeting of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference. Dues for the school year must be paid by October 1st of that school year.  To address a fiscal deficit or emergency, the Conference may approve, by at least a 70.0% aye vote of the full membership at a Conference meeting, a special, one-year assessment.

Section 4:
 Any members in arrears for a period of one year shall be placed on probation.

Section 5: A member PIAA high school entered in Varsity Conference competition in any sport/activity must complete its schedule of contest, unless the reason for discontinuance meets with at least a 70.0% aye vote of the full membership at a Conference meeting.  Should the member PIAA high school authorities not accept the decision of the Conference, the school in question, shall be brought before the conference board of principals for possible probation.

Section 6:
 A member PIAA high school considering withdrawal in total from this Conference, shall submit in writing to the Secretary and/or President a statement declaring its intent.  This letter must be submitted during the first regularly scheduled conference meeting of the school’s final school year of participation.


Section 1: 
The officers of the conference shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Principal-at-Large.  No two of who shall be from the same PIAA high school excluding the Principal-at-Large.

Section 2:
 It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of this Conference, to cast the deciding vote in case of a tie, to endorse all disbursement vouchers and to appoint standing committees for each sport/activity and other special committees.  The President shall be the official spokesperson for the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference.

Section 3: 
It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President and to preside over the Conference’s Athletic Director’s meetings.  The Vice-President shall be chairperson of all major ad hoc sport committees, be responsible for updating relevant sections of the policy manual and By-Law’s and for completing other duties assigned by the President.

Section 4:
 It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of Conference meetings.  It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to distribute on a yearly basis the corrected, updated and/or amended By-Laws and Constitution.  The Secretary shall be responsible for sending all Conference correspondence to the Principals and Athletic Directors of each member PIAA high school.

Section 5:
 It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to invoice and receive all fees, dues and assessments, endorse all vouchers, make all expenditures authorized by this Conference and to report at each scheduled meeting of the Conference the receipts, expenditures and the balance on hand. This account shall be subject to an annual audit by a committee of representatives from conference schools.

Section 6:
 It shall be the duty of the Principal-at-large to preside over Conference meetings in the absence of the President.

Section 7:
 The officers of this Conference shall be reimbursed each spring in the amount set by Conference members.

Section 8: 
The officers of this Conference and the Principal-at-Large shall comprise the Executive Committee.

Section 9:
 The Conference shall elect an Assignor of Officials for each sport it sponsors and a Conference Statistician.  The Principals or their designees will assign officials for the co-curricular activities as appropriate within their assigned activity.

Section 10:
 Each conference member school shall chair a minimum of one sport.

Section 11:
 It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to rule upon all disputes arising in the Conference.


Section 1:
 Regular scheduled meetings of the Conference shall be held as follows: The second Wednesdays of August, December, March and May, or as agreed upon dates.

Section 2: 
The agenda is to be prepared by the Conference’s President and submitted to all representatives of the Conference one week prior to a regular scheduled meeting, and if possible, one week prior to a special meeting.

Section 3:
 Attendance at these meetings shall be limited to the Conference officers, the member PIAA high school Principals, Athletic Directors, Activity Directors and invited guests.

Section 4:
 Special meetings of this Conference may be called by two officers of the Conference or upon written request of at least three (3) member PIAA high schools.

Section 5:
 The order of business of this conference shall be:
 Call to order
 Reading of the minutes
 Report of the Treasurer
 Report of the committees
 Unfinished business
 New business
 Election of officers
 Appointment of committees
 General discussion
 Announcement of next regularly scheduled meeting date


Section 1: 
Each member PIAA high school shall be entitled to one (1) vote by the Principal or his/her designated representative on all questions of debate at the meetings of this Conference.  A roll call vote will be required when a decision is made on the expenditure of funds, amendments, additions/deletions/changes in Conference membership, and/or disbandment.

Section 2:
 At least 70.0% of the full membership of this Conference shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  With a quorum established and maintained, a simple majority is needed to approve any action taken, except those addressed elsewhere in this Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 3: 
Abstaining shall be regarded as acquiescing to the action of the majority of the member PIAA high schools.


Section 1:
 The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Principal-at-Large shall be elected annually by the Principals or their designee at the regular scheduled spring meeting.


Section 1:
 All amendments to this Constitution must be submitted to the Secretary and/or President in writing.

Section 2:
 This Constitution may be amended by a 70.0% aye vote of the full membership of his Conference at a scheduled meeting.

Section 3:
 The proposed amendment must be read to the Conference members at two (2) consecutive scheduled meetings.  Approval must be voted upon following the second (2nd) reading at a second (2nd) scheduled meeting. Any voted upon changes take effect immediately, unless a specific date is defined by the vote.


Section 1: 
The rules of each contest/activity shall be those approved by the National Federation with PIAA exceptions or other governing bodies of said co-curricular activities.

Section 2: 
All members of this Conference are to refrain from giving out criticism for publication, either favorable or adverse, of any other school teams and to discourage as far as possible, unsportsmanlike behavior on the part of spectators at the contest/activity.

Section 3:
 The member PIAA high school having satisfied the requirement of the Conference for varsity championship status at the end of the completed season shall be awarded a standard trophy.  In the case of a tie, duplicate trophies shall be awarded. 

Section 4:
 In case of a play-off, the sport’s chairman shall make arrangements with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 5
: To determine EPC playoff qualifications and format, refer to individual sport by-laws.

Section 6:
 The net receipts from such playoffs as mentioned above shall go to the Conference.

Section 7:
 Whenever six (6) member PIAA high schools petition to compete in a sport/activity with each other, the Conference shall sponsor that sport/activity.  Whenever the number of member PIAA high schools sponsoring a sport/activity becomes less than six (6), the Conference will discontinue sponsorship of said sport/activity.


Section 1:
 In the event that the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference should disband by mutual agreement of the full membership of the Conference, all monies in the treasury, after all outstanding bills have been satisfied, shall be equally distributed among the member PIAA high schools in good standing at the time of disbandment.


Section 1:
 By-Laws are changed by at least a 70.0% aye vote of the full membership of the Conference at a scheduled meeting of the Conference.

Section 2:
 The “…at least a 70.0% aye vote…” Constitutional rule used in specific voting actions of the Conference mandates that all calculated fractional votes required for approval of said actions are rounded up to the next highest whole number, e.g. an eleven (11) member Conference would require eight (8) aye votes to satisfy the “…at least 70.0%…”

Section 3:
 “Robert’s Rules of Order – Parliamentary Procedure” is to be followed for any issue/action of the Conference not otherwise identified within this Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 1:
 Resolution – In the event that a violation of the Constitution and/or By-Laws of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference should occur, the Principals of the member PIAA high schools involved are to confer to resolve the issue in a professional manner within then (10) school days.  Should the issue not be resolved to the satisfaction of all Principals involved, any Principal involved may appeal to the Eastern Pennsylvania Interscholastic Conference Executive Committee for a redress of the grievance.  A sport chairman, tournament or playoff director would report violations of the constitution, By-Laws, policy or individual sport/activity rules to the President of the Conference for appropriate action as described in this Section.

Section 2:
 Appeal Procedure – The aggrieved Principal will submit to the President of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference a letter stating the nature of the violation and a summary of actions taken to attempt to resolve the issue.  The President of the Conference will send a copy of this letter to the Principals of all member PIAA high schools involved in the violation.  Other Principals involved in the matter may, at their option, submit similar written statements to the Conference President and the other parties involved.

Section 3:
 Hearing Procedures – The Conference President, upon receiving an appeal letter concerning the violation of the Conference Constitution, By-Laws, policies or sport/activity rules will convene a special meeting of the Executive Committee.  Principals of all member PIAA high schools in the Conference will receive copies of all related correspondence.  The special meeting will be open to the Executive Committee, the Principal and the Athletic/Activity Director of the member PIAA high schools involved.
The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference President will direct the Executive Committee to hear alleged violations of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference policies, By-Laws or sport/activity rules.  Should the Conference President be involved in the incident, the Vice-President will take over followed by the Secretary, then Treasurer until the chairperson is from an uninvolved school.  Upon review of the incident, the decision of the Executive Committee will be binding and final.
Any Executive Committee member directly involved in the disputes will be removed from the voting process.  If the final vote of the Executive Committee results in a tie, the dispute will be brought to the entire Conference membership for a resolution by a majority vote.

Section 4:
 Conference Action – At its discretion, the Executive Committee may direct the Conference Secretary to send a “Letter of Censure and/or Probation” to the Principal of the offending member PIAA high school(s).  Although other actions may be taken, should the situation warrant, an 80.0% aye vote of the remaining membership of the Conference would be necessary to remove the offending member PIAA high school from the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference.
Any and/or all probationary sanctions must be first proposed and subsequently approved by 80.0% or more of the remaining conference members prior to implementation.


Section 1:
 Probation – Any violations of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference by a member school may result in probation, which shall be defined as a period of time where the league will closely monitor the behaviors and actions of a school in violation of one or more league rules.

Section 2:
 Improvement plan – As part of probationary status an improvement plan will be required. Improvement plans shall be collaboratively developed with the offending member school and the executive committee. Plan shall have measurable outcomes and a defined implementation timeline.

Section 3:
 Censorship and Cease and Desist Orders – These actions may be appropriated in accord with an improvement plan, or as standalone measures.

Section 4:
 Fines – Any violations beyond that of a written improvement plan and/or censorship or cease and desist orders will result in a $500.00 fine

Section 5:
 Ineligible for Conference Championship – Persistent violations may result in a member school being ineligible for a conference championship(s). This measure may be levied upon a member school as a whole for all athletic competition, or by individual sport.

Section 6:
 No Conference Schedule – Persistent violations may result in a member school receiving no conference schedule. This measure may be levied upon a member school as a whole for all athletic competition, or by individual sport.

Section 7:
 Removal from Eastern Pennsylvania Conference - Once all measures as part of the stated probationary sanctions have been exhausted, a member school will be subject to removal from the conference as stated in Section 4 of Article XI.

Sportsmanship Policy


Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Sportsmanship Policy


  • The ideals of good sportsmanship, ethical behavior, and integrity permeate our culture. The values of good citizenship and high behavioral standards apply equally to all activity disciplines. In perception and practice, good sportsmanship shall be defined as those qualities of behavior which are characterized by generosity and genuine concern for others.  Further, an awareness is expected of the impact of an individual’s influence on the behavior of others. Good sportsmanship is viewed by the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference as a concrete measure of the understanding and commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, and integrity.


  • Always set a good example for participants and fans to follow.
  • Instruct participants in proper sportsmanship responsibilities.
  • Respect the judgment of contest officials, abide by the rules of the events, and display no behavior that could incite the fans.
  • Treat opposing coaches, participants, and fans with respect. Shake hands in public.
  • Develop and enforce penalties for participants who do not abide by sportsmanship standards.
  • In relations with the media, be positive in comments made about opponents, officials, and other league schools (Cf Art. 8, Sect 2 League Constitution)
  • The League does not condone recruitment for athletic purposes. Obvious, intentional athletic recruiting by a League member shall constitute a violation of sportsmanship.
  • League schools will not supply videotapes of other member schools to non-members.
  • Should use good judgment to avoid the impression of “running up the score” or otherwise embarrass the other team.


School Administrators:

  • Develop a program for teaching and promoting the ideals and fundamentals of good sportsmanship with the school.
  • Provide appropriate supervisory personnel for each interscholastic event.
  • Recognize exemplary behavior and discourage undesirable conduct by participants, coaches, and fans.
  • Attend events whenever possible.



  • Accept role in an unassuming manner. Showboating and over officiating are not acceptable.
  • Maintain confidence and poise, controlling contest from start to finish.
  • Know rules thoroughly and abide by established code of Ethics.
  • Publicly shake hands with coaches before the contest.
  • Never exhibit emotions or argue with participants and coaches when enforcing rules.

Student Participants:

  • Treat opponents with respect; shake hands prior to and after contests as indicated by the sport’s protocol.
  • Respect the judgment of contest officials, abide by the rules of the contest, and display no behavior that could incite the fans.
  • Cooperate with officials, coaches, and fellow participants to conduct a fair contest.
  • Accept seriously the responsibility and privilege of representing school and community.


Spirit Groups:

  • Lead desired crowd response using only positive cheers, signs, and praise without demeaning or antagonizing opponents.
  • Treat opposing spirit groups and fans with courtesy and respect.
  • Know rules and strategies of the contest in order to cheer at proper times.
  • Recognize outstanding play of both teams.
  • Maintain enthusiasm and composure, serving as a role model of positive behavior.


Parents/Other Fans:

  • Realize that a ticket is a privilege to observe a contest and support high school activities, not a license to verbally assault others.
  • Respect decisions made by the officials.
  • Be a role model by supporting teams in a positive manner, including the content of cheers.
  • Respect other fans, coaches, and participants.
  • Be a fan, not a fanatic.


Violations of the Sportsmanship Policy


The principals of the involved schools should confer to resolve the issue in a professional manner within ten school days. (Art. XI Sect. 1) Should the issue not be resolved to their satisfaction, the aggrieved principal may write the President. (Art. XI Sect 2).


The Board of Principals of the EPC, excluding the involved schools, after review by the executive committee, at its discretion, may depending on the circumstances:


  • issue a letter of Censure/Probation
  • place a coach on probation
  • issue a suspension for a determined number of contests
  • suspend a coach for up to one season of play
  • expel the school from the EPC


Eastern Pennsylvania Conference League Officers

Beth Guarriello
Emmaus HS

Vice President
Frederick Harris
Liberty HS

Chuck Dailey
ES North HS

Shaun Murray
Northampton Area HS

Principal at Large
Mike Jones
Pocono Mtn. West HS



Auxiliary Positions

Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Auxiliary Positions

Dave Stoudt
Dieruff HS

Conference Handbook/Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator
Matt Frailey
Northampton HS

Marketing Liaison
Dennis Ramella

Scheduler (HS)

Rebecca George
Emmaus HS
Scheduler (MS-V)
Jeremy Shuler
Freedom HS

Scheduler (MS-M) 
Denise Rogers
ES South HS 

Robert & Pat Whirl

League Chairmen

Eastern Pennsylvania Conference League Chairmen

Nate Stannard/Greg Hess

Fred Harris/Chuck Dailey/Mike Delgrosso

Rebecca George/Matt Baltz

Cross Country
Denise Rogers/Colleen Nosovitch

Field Hockey
Rebecca George/Chris Domyan

Chuck Dailey/Matt Baltz

Ray Ramella/Shaun Murray

Shaun Murray/Ray Ramella

James Korcienski/Elaine Arnts

Rebecca George/Bob Tice

Andy Stephens/Rebecca George

Randy Atiyeh/Nate Stanndard

Track & Field
Bob Hartman/Chuck Dailey

Jessica Johnson/Dave Stoudt

Bob Hartman/Eric Buksa

Co-Curricular Activities Chairmen

EPC Co-Curricular Activities Chairmen


Dave Stoudt

Andy Stephens

Ray Remella/Scott Breidinger

Principal at Large/*Committee

Mike Jones/*Elaine Arnts, Michael Delgrosso, Denise Rogers, Dave Stoudt

Scholastic Scrimmage
Nate Stannard/Laurie Sage

Science Olympiad
Denise Rogers

Sportsmanship & Character Council
Rusty Amato/Greg Hess/Erin Michael

Divisional Alignments

Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Divisional Alignments

EPC Divisional Alignments

General Sports Bylaws

General Sports Bylaws

General Sports Bylaws

League Assignors

EPC League Assignors


Chris Pincin

Basketball (Boys/Valley MS)
Jim Haney

Basketball (Girls/Mountain MS)
Jim Haney

Cross Country
Glenn Rissmiller

Field Hockey
Donna Kennedy

Jim Haney

Lacrosse (Boys)
Jack Keiter

Lacrosse (Girls)
Joanna Blose

Soccer (Boys/Girls)
Jack Keiter

Jim Corpora

Swimming (Boys/Girls)
Connie Harakal

Track & Field (Boys/Girls)
Glenn Rissmiller

Volleyball (Boys/Girls)
Jim Millets

Larry Dieter

Media Contacts


Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Media Contacts

Contact List